Friday, May 7, 2010

Stopping Just Short of the Finish Line

In my business of working with entrepreneurs and business owners to achieve growth and manage change I take on many roles. Some days I feel like a counselor, a teacher, a coach, a cheerleader or even a cop! There are some critical facets to my job that have nothing to do with an MBA or marketing savvy or the ability to make projections and plans. Sometimes the most important thing I do for a client is to hold them accountable for their dreams and push them across the finish line.

It's apparent to me that many professionals stop short of reaching their intended goals - usually because they are playing it safe and refusing to step outside of their comfort zone. We all love our comfort zone, but it's NOT the place that makes you great. Think about runners in a marathon... if they all stopped running when it got uncomfortable, few people would make it beyond mile 5. Our shining moments, heroic acts and greatest payoffs come from places of discomfort and risk. We each have a tendency to allow our fear of screwing up or failing to prevent us from taking advantage of opportunities and winning the race.

Don't stop short of your intended goals. If you have an aspiration - go after it with a vengeance, and run straight on to the finish line.

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