Mind Mapping...And Loving It!
Getting started: Begin by scheduling 30 minutes of uninterrupted time. Allow no distractions such as ringing telephones, loud noises or knocks at your office door. Start with a blank sheet of paper and draw a large circle in the center of the page. Next, place the name of your project, goal, dream or problem in the center of this circle. Next, draw 10 or 15 lines around the circle, like the spokes of a bicycle wheel. Lastly, on each spoke, list one idea or concept relating to the words inside the circle. Do not edit or judge the words you are placing on each spoke while you are brainstorming because you want to generate as many ideas as possible.
Tip: If you are an auditory rather than a visual learner you may want to use a tape recorder to build your Mind Map, then transfer your words to paper as the second step. If you find your ideas are not flowing, then take a break to refresh your mind or share your progress with your manager, a peer or a close friend. Sometimes having another person's perspective is just enough to get your creative juices flowing.
Tip: Some of the best Mind Mapping is done when we look to other industries, other professions or other successful individuals and see how they have addressed a similar problem or opportunity. Many "great" ideas are just inches from where you are standing this very minute but you have to look closely and have your "antenna" up, to see and hear them.
As a small step, try reading trade or business magazines unrelated to your current industry and you will find that "re-inventing the wheel" is seldom necessary. Plus, exposure to new ideas in other industries will help you become a "Futurist" on your own behalf...a special trait!
Taking words to action: Now comes the fun part! Take each of your Mind Maps and put them in outline form. Next to each action word, place an action step and specify the exact date for completing each task or step. Also, if you are going to delegate portions of this project, include the name of each person who will be responsible for a specific step and be certain they receive a copy of your Mind Map so they can be clear on the purpose of your request. Lastly, take the action steps you are going to personally complete and place them directly in your appointment book. By scheduling time for each step on this project you are bringing this project to "life".
Tip: Once you have completed your first Mind Mapping, pause and reflect joyfully on what you have accomplished. This process is specifically designed to support your thinking process and will get easier and easier, with practice. Remember, Mind Mapping is meant to be fun and can be done in large groups, at your next big meeting or any time you need to visualize ideas quickly!
Mind Mapping Resources:
Mindmapping: Your personal guide to exploring creativity and problem solving. by Joyce Wycoff
"BrainMapping" by
Tony Buzan, 'The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential".
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