Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Synapse3Di - A New Twist on Speaker's Bureaus

I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to partner with Synapse3Di - an organization providing live speakers, subject matter experts and virtual training to corporations and private groups around the globe. This is a great new model for infusing exciting speakers, cool presentation formats and new life into the tired world of traditional speaker's bureaus!

Synapse 3Di connects industry and topical experts with employees in a way unlike any other organization. They can put on incredible events that will dazzle, engage and create long lasting results that positively impact organizations. But, they also go beyond the live event to share information and transfer knowledge with digital media and within virtual environments. This eliminates the typical barriers that challenge organizational communication. Synapse3Di can be a bridge to connect physical locations across the globe and generational gaps within a company. Training sessions and events can be transformed into wildly successful and popular educational summits.

All programs are followed up with on-demand knowledge sharing resources that dramatically raise retention and encourage ongoing education. In fact, everything is designed to make teaching, learning, and communicating more cost-effective, efficient, and eco-friendly for corporations, groups, and individuals. Welcome to the world of limitless learning.

Visit the website at www.synapse3di.com.

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