Monday, July 27, 2009

5,800 Soaring Silpada Reps make for a Fun Weekend!

All that glitters is not gold, and that’s fine with Silpada Designs, one of the largest sterling silver jewelry distributors in North America. The company's annual conference was held this past weekend at the Kansas City Convention Center and Akamai client Wendy Booker was the keynote speaker.

You simply cannot imagine the energy of 5,800 wives, mothers and daughters turned loose on Kansas City! The meeting ranks as the seventh-largest Kansas City convention this year and Silpada saw a huge increase in attendance despite the rough economy. These women were jazzed!

Wendy and I had an absolutely wonderful time and I cannot say enough about this amazing group of jewelry reps. Their passion for their job is touching, and seeing them pour into the exhibit hall Friday night to view the new line for 2009 was like watching little girls play in their mother's jewelry box.

Wendy did a fabulous job on her speech (of course), and I think she had so much fun that she was ready to do it again immediately. Thanks to Silpada for welcoming us into your corporate family with open arms - it was a truly fantastic experience!

* If you're interested in learning more about the Silpada story visit the website at and meet Bonnie and Teresa, the founders (who might be two of the sweetest women on the face of the earth!). Also, you can learn more about Wendy Booker's speaking services at

1 comment:

Sparrow Gabriel said...

Wendy was so inspirational at our conference! Many of my Silpada sisters continued to talk about her sense of humor, her go-getter approach to life, and how we can all adopt that great attitude as we live our own lives and work our businesses. Thank you Trish for bringing her to our Silpada conference! And it was fun to see YOU there too!