Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Challenge of Change

Watching client companies fight their way out of the recession recently has made me think about the difficulties associated with inventing and reinventing ourselves. Whether it's a personal reinvention, a corporate overhaul, or a professional transformation, change can be very tough. Adding to the complexity is the fact that you can never roll the clock backwards and revert to a 'pre-change' state once the evolution has begun.

My clients are companies in the start-up, growth or turnaround phases, and they face the challenges of change everyday. Although the industries, products, services and faces vary with each case, most of my clients struggle with the same core issues. Last week I spoke with a potential client who asked me if I see the same problems recur over and over again. My response was that, yes, 8 out of 10 clients were usually coping with a handful of issues that seem to crop up in almost every transformation situation. That conversation prompted me to take a moment and delineate exactly what those few key hangups are, and how I advise clients who are working through them. It's a short list of tips that we can all use.

Embrace change and uncertainty. Most of us naturally live our lives trying to eliminate uncertainty, but when you are in the midst of a mandatory shift - you can't do that. During periods of change and transformation, uncertainty is your friend and it offers you an open window into a bright future that you can design consciously today.

Live an examined life. We're on autopilot 90% of the time. Evolutionary times present an opportunity to reassess every area of your life and your business - and change long-held habits. When change is thrust upon you, take the time to do a double take on the cards in your hand. If you can get past your initial knee-jerk reaction, you will probably see opportunities you never knew existed.

Commit yourself to operating in the present moment. 'Now' is a very loaded word. For most of us, how we view 'now' is all wrapped up in the past we've experienced and the future we expect. That understanding of 'now' doesn't work so well during periods of uncertainty and change, so commit yourself to living each day to it's fullest capacity.... no strings attached. Sometimes when people stop resisting change they discover their true path for the first time in their life.

Set your intentions on a positive outcome. Just because you have no clear vision of what's ahead - of how you or your company will end up - doesn't mean you can't control your personal intentions. Change doesn't happen to you. It happens with you, and you are a key part of the equation. Even if the path is unclear, focus your mind on the particular outcome you seek. Visualize the feelings of accomplishment, success and peace when the change is done.

Let go of what you are losing. We all have baggage: emotional baggage, professional baggage, relational baggage... it doesn't really matter. External things that aren't as important as we think they are. Change can't be all about acquisition. There is a strong element of letting go as well. You can free yourself to live your best life by surrendering what's going away and aligning yourself with the new state of affairs that is coming into focus before you.

Never give up! This is the secret to mastering the art of transformation and the psychology of uncertainty: do not underestimate the power of your spirit. Everyday, all around the world, people are tested. And it is in these moments that they discover their fortitude, courage, raw strength, kindness and heroism. Whether you are revamping your business model, changing locations, dumping a bad partner or reinventing yourself - your ability to believe in yourself and restore your faith will determine how your future unfolds.

So my advice all of you out there who are facing big changes, is to make a commitment to stay positive, be proactive, let go of the past and embrace the future. We live in an ever-evolving world. Remaining the same is not an option.

Good luck as you discover the next iteration of your life and build a new world!

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