Monday, October 15, 2007

Public Speaking without Fear!

I just saw a great presentation on fearless public speaking and there were some excellent tips that I wanted to share with everyone. It's funny that we are all so adversely affected by speaking. It's really not such a big deal, but fear of public speaking is ranked higher on national polls than fear of death!

So here are some proven techniques to help you get over your fear and use public speaking to your advantage:

1. Warm up before speaking and practice, practice, practice!
2. Don't rush through the beginning of your speech - this is where you capture your audience's attention and find your rhythm.
3. Simulate the speaking environment when you practice (hold a banana for a mic, or stand behind a chair for a podium...)
4. Only present on topics that you truly believe in and feel passionately about.
5. Expect a great outcome and positive feedback - don't expect the worst! Your audience truly wants you to succeed.
6. NEVER picture people naked or in their underwear. (Honestly, we're older than that, don't you think?)

So speak without fear by following these basic tips that will keep you focused, positive and prepared. Thanks to Dr. Andi O'Conor of Communication Consulting, Inc. for providing this sage advice. Happy speaking!

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