Thursday, November 8, 2007

Working with Different Personalities

As part of a presentation I'm doing next week, I've been re-acquainting myself with the four personality types of the DiSC profile. It's been a while since I've taken an in-depth look at core personality traits, and the exercise has been a stark reminder of how different we all are and how tough it can be to relate to someone with an opposing style.

A huge challenge in my business is helping people maximize their effectiveness and get things done by putting aside their differences and working together. Unique communication styles and personalities can definitely make that process a challenge. I thought that for today's blog I would lay out the four primary personality types and remind everyone of the value that each style brings to the workplace. Sometimes, even if someone is incredibly annoying, it helps to understand that they have special strengths and positive contributions to make as well.

D - Dominance
D's are committed to shaping their environment by overcoming obstacles. They are direct, and are usually risk-takers who are decisive and like positions of authority.

i - Influence
I's are fun-loving and people-oriented. They are good communicators and come across as enthusiastic, charming, persuasive and free.

S - Steadiness
S's are patient, easy-going and like stability. They are empathetic listeners and can often be very accommodating and passive, but they don't like change and conflict.

C - Conscientiousness
C's are analytical, detailed and performance-oriented. They are often perfectionists and need a lot of information to make a decision.

On their face, all of the types seem to have some good traits, but let's take a closer look at what happens with these personalities in the workplace:

D's come across as very pushy, blunt and stubborn. They want to GET THINGS DONE!

i's come across as disorganized, gossipy and unfocused. They want to SOCIALIZE!

S's come across as indecisive pushovers. The just want to GET ALONG!

C's come across as overly sensitive and anal. They just want to GET IT RIGHT!

So, as you can see, we have some problems. But, in spite of each type's annoying tendencies, they all bring certain needed strengths to a team. Working with respect and balance, a team that has all four types represented will get a lot done. Here are the good points about each type. Remember them! Everyone has good points. :)

D's: Not a lot would get done in this world without D's. Although they can come off as aggressive and demanding, they take on challenges, drive change and keep everyone focused on results.

i's: i's are inspiring. They bring fun and emotion to the workplace. Their positive energy and ability to involve everyone in a project can be critical for success.

S's: S's are the peacemakers. They help people trust each other and relate to each other. Their team mentality and calming influence are often the glue that holds a temperamental group together.

C's: Somebody has to look at the details and the C's will do it. They will make teams look at all the data and examine all their options before diving into a big task. Their intuition and control keep standards high for everyone.

Next time a co-worker is making you crazy, try to think about who they really are and what they bring to the table. Often, the very things that are bugging you are some of the traits that make them valuable in their own way. So take it easy on each other!


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