Monday, January 11, 2010

A Few Thoughts on Winter...

By Jim Rohn, The Seasons of Life

"Let winter find you planning for the arrival of spring, not contemplating the errors of commission and omission of last year.  Let winter find you with a joyful countenance and a happy heart... with a good word for all those around you; with confidence in the future, not apprehension; and finally, with gratitude for your achievements, adversities, and uncertainties of life, for each is a form of blessing which removes all limitations from the future possibilities of life.

Winter is a time for examining, pondering, and introspection.  It is a time for re-evaluating both purpose and procedure - for rediscovering an often misplace sense of purpose.  It is a time for finding new ways for solving old dilemmas, and for devising unique plans for contributing to others, less fortunate than ourselves.  It is a time for understanding and controlling anger, that frequent human emotion which causes us to pass judgment without fair deliberation.  It is a time to analyze our fairness and to overcome our tendency to hastily spew forth condemnation without full investigation, for such is the height of ignorance.

Winter is a time for being sincere with ourselves, about ourselves, when the tendency is to fool ourselves.  It is a time for developing skills that allow us to get along with imperfect people, for even a fool can get along with perfect people.  It is also a time for becoming wise enough to know what to say.  The wisdom that comes with the careful use of winter teaches us also that evolution is merely revolution at a slower pace, and that constant gradual change is the order of the universe.  Only those worthy human attributes of honesty, loyalty, love, and trust in God and in our fellow man are meant to remain constant.  Winter is a time for being grateful for our achievements, or for having endured our lack of achievement."

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