Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ready to Move Beyond Mediocrity in 2010?

Goodbye, 2009! Hello, 2010! New year… new decade. New resolutions to be better, work harder and attain more. But how? If it were that easy to change our lives, wouldn’t we have done it already? How do we say farewell to mediocrity in the coming year and learn how to thrive?

Webster’s defines mediocrity as “moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance.” Ugh.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I intend to make 2010 a great year. In order to fulfill that promise to myself, it is necessary to put some concrete plans in place today to facilitate success in the future. We all possess internal tools that can help take us beyond blasé and make our lives an affront to mediocrity.

There are three key elements to keep in mind when embarking on any new life trend:

1. Attitude
You can’t excel if you don’t believe you can, so you have to find creative ways to stay encouraged and inspired.

2. Action
Thinking happy thoughts and setting aggressive intentions isn’t ever enough. You have to change your behaviors.

3. Accountability
Follow through and commitment will help you transform a short term resolution into a new lifelong habit.

Six months… are you ready to kick your life up to the next level? In this upcoming series we’ll explore:

Courage. We all tend to be a little timid and fearful about change – no matter how passionately we give lip service to our dreams. Courage gives you the strength to take risks and move beyond historically dependable behaviors and conventional approaches to discover a whole vigorous new you underneath.

Fresh Perspective. Before you tackle any great task, you have to make peace with the possibility of both triumph or failure. You are neither as fabulous as your latest achievement nor as pathetic as your most recent defeat. Get ruthless about stretching your intellect and finding the path of least resistance to your destiny.

Inaction. I know, I know… I just talked about action. But all action is not physical. There is the crucial element of quiet reflection that also bears remembering. As the yin to action’s yang, give yourself space to relax, quit trying harder and experience a personal revolution. Slow down and shift gears so that you can hit your maximum velocity.

Uncommon sense. Logic is important. But so are intuition and elegant solutions that come to us in daydreams. While you don’t want to blithely leap off a cliff to your doom, sometimes we have to take a step of faith before the true path becomes clear before us. Your heart always knows the way forward before your head figures it out, so trust your gut and stand back as amazing things unfold in your world.

Suspended disbelief. Disbelief is the enemy of innovation and progress. If you truly want to manifest greatness, you must believe that success is possible - that you have all the tools you need to reach your goal – and, most importantly, that you have infinite worth and truly deserve the fulfillment of all your secret hopes and desires.

Encouragement. Any long-term life shift that you sustain is powered by a vivid picture of the dazzling impact you can make on the world, and that vision breeds endurance to drive relentlessly toward your target. The gift of encouragement can certainly come from others, but you must find within yourself the strength and fortitude to weather storms and to ignore the disapproval of others. A few trusted supporters combined with your own confidence will give you the power to build a firm foundation with the bricks that are thrown at you.

Right now, in this moment, you are capable of exponential improvement in your performance. You truly do have the ability to reach new highs, shatter old records and attain amazing achievements. You don’t have to be content with the status quo or improve things incrementally. Let’s take the next six months and move beyond mediocrity together!

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