Saturday, January 8, 2011

Artist Damián Ortega... I Really Like this Guy

I don't often feature something artistic or 'touchy feely' on my business blog, but Damián Ortega blurs the line between business and aesthetics so I'm going for it.

Ortega’s work explores specific economic, aesthetic and cultural situations and in particular how regional culture affects commodity consumption. As a former political cartoonist, his work has an intellectualism to it that I like, but it's also beautiful and playful.

I love the way he explores how pieces come together to make a whole. I look at a company very much the same way - lots of individual ideas, people, systems, products, etc coming together to create something larger than the sum of the parts. Take a look at a few of his pieces and you'll see what I mean:

Cosmic Thing (2002) Ortega disassembled a Volkswagen Beetle car and re-composed it piece by piece, suspended from wire in mid-air, in the manner of a mechanic’s instruction manual. The result was both a diagram and a fragmented object that offered a new way of seeing.

Controller of the Universe (2007) Ortega assembled found tools and wire in a visually stunning way - who new old rakes and picks could be so sexy!

Here's a selection of other works by Ortega that caught my eye:

As Sebastian Smee said, "For Damián Ortega, ideas and things, far from being connected by logic, have a deeper, unaccountable relationship, amounting to a kind of magic act. It’s a relationship that’s destructive one minute and creative the next, but it’s never less than funny."

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