Monday, January 3, 2011

Women in Leadership: Did We See Progress in 2010?

I wish I could tell you YES - women made huge strides in the workplace in 2010! But, in reality, while things have improved incrementally, we still have a long way to go. Here are some fairly up-to-date statistics on comparative performance and compensation:

  • Women hold over 50% of total job positions, but only 18% of top-level leadership positions.
  • Women earn 78 cents for every dollar earned by a male counterpart.
  • Women comprise only 3% of Fortune 500 CEOs.
  • 57% of college students are women, but only 26% of college professors are female.
  • Women hold less than 6% of the top-paying positions in Fortune 500 companies.

Sobering, huh?

I've been thinking a lot lately about my experiences in working with women - as clients, as employees in companies, as partners - and I've asked myself, "What are the barriers I see to progress?"  Here is a quick digest of observations about the factors hold women back in the workplace and how we might be able to step up our collective performance as a gender in 2011:

Women don't bounce back from a hard punch like men do.
I know, we put on a tough face sometimes or play the ice queen, but the reality is that men know how to take a hit, shrug it off, and continue on their merry way.  Women stew over conflicts, lose self-confidence, wallow in guilt, and generally need approval from others to believe in themselves.  A key barrier to women's success in high-earning, high-profile leadership positions is the fact that they allow a regret, a missed opportunity, a mistake, or a criticism derail their ability to achieve.  They can't recover from a punch, and so allow a single hit to stop them from ardently pursuing their dreams.  While it's important to reflect on our character, nurture relationships with others, and learn from mistakes, dwelling endlessly on our shortcomings is not the path to equality.

Women tear each other down in the workplace.
This is a bizarre tendency, but I've really noticed that women attack each other at work more than they attack their male peers.  I don't know if going after a guy is too intimidating, or if we just tend to be 'bitchy' with each other, but girlfriends... stop going after each other and find some solidarity!  If you have a gripe with someone at work, try to productively solve the problem rather than tearing down other people to get ahead.  You never elevate yourself by diminishing others.  And taking an attack stance against other women starts a cycle of discontent, gossip and backstabbing that makes everyone in your work environment look bad and prevents anyone from getting ahead.

Women believe that to succeed in leadership they can't be compassionate and balanced.
Men can be very direct in their critiques and candid in their verbal feedback, but they tend to naturally avoid being blatantly destructive and overly judgmental.  They can sense when searing comments are reaching a level that will be counter-productive and they pull back.  Women are especially judgmental - and on a much more personal and detailed level - than are males.  We really need to guard against judgmentalism taking away our ability to be loving and compassionate and supportive of others.  Succeeding in business isn't about turning into men (or, heaven forbid, being even meaner than men!).  It's about leveraging all the uniquely female gifts that we have at our disposal to lead in our way. 

Women don't mentor each other and pass the torch.
Most men who have achieved great things in the corporate arena will tell you that they have a few profound mentor relationships that have gotten them where they are.  Men have learned the value in dropping a ladder down to individuals below them with potential - and they have also learned to look for the men in positions they covet and ask for help.  Women tend to work really hard in isolation and hope that their performance alone will earn them a promotion or raise.  It doesn't usually work that way.  People above you in power positions offer immense leverage that can take you up a few levels overnight.  And don't just look for your own mentors!  Be willing to help the women around you and below you step up their performance and get noticed.

Women often view the workplace as a popularity contest.
Come on ladies... we're not in junior high anymore.  Leadership isn't about everyone liking you all the time.  While it's important to be smart and fair and respected, you have to learn to deal with people who disagree with you, resent you, or ostracize you.  The few who reach the top have to make unpopular decisions at times, and you will definitely have moments when you feel very alone.  Women tend to shut down when they find themselves in an exclusionary group, but that is just the time to take up the courage of your convictions and earn respect.  Superior performance only emerges when you meet the challenges put to you in spite of your gender.  The world certainly won't adapt itself to suit you, so if you can't make tough calls and defend your ideas you'll find that primer opportunities flow right on by.

Have you noticed a broad tendency in the workplace that is holding women back?  Comment below or email me at and I'll include it in a future post.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Trish, first let me tell you how relieved I am to see this article. In true female fashion, I felt "not alone".

I see a tendency to misunderstand the distinction between mentoring and charity as a problem for women in the workplace. Men don't seem to have the issue of overdoing for another rather than allowing their protege to make their own mistakes, then to correct and allow that growth.

I've realized that I have been holding on to setbacks even though I coach others to feel the fear and do it anyway. Thanks for this assessment!

Betsy Jordan