Wednesday, May 20, 2009

72% of Americans Want to Work for Companies that Support Charitable Causes

According to a new survey on corporate community involvement released by Deloitte USA LLP, 72 percent of employed Americans would choose to work for a company that supports charitable causes when deciding between two jobs with the same location, responsibilities, pay and benefits. The response rate climbs to 87 percent for employed students over the age of 18.

“The market for talent is competitive and a company’s commitment to communities is a decision factor for many Americans,” said James H. Quigley, CEO of Deloitte USA LLP. “We have found both statistically and anecdotally, that people want to work for an organization that lives its values and gives them a reason to feel proud.”

Other Key Survey Findings:

• Ninety-two percent of Americans think that it is important for companies to make charitable contributions or donate products and/or services to nonprofit organizations in the community

• Eighty-seven percent of Americans believe it is important for companies to offer volunteer opportunities to its employees

• Seventy-three percent say that workplace volunteer opportunities help companies contribute to the well being of communities

• Sixty-one percent think that they help to communicate a company’s values

• Fifty-eight percent believe that workplace volunteer opportunities improve morale

“The survey results confirm that people think corporate America has a responsibility to its communities and that employees appreciate the opportunity to contribute together,” said Anne Rouse Sudduth, Deloitte’s national director of community involvement.

Many leading companies agree that commitment to the community is a business imperative. Corporate community involvement initiatives, such as workplace volunteerism, are integral to creating a workplace where employees feel they can connect with one another.

“Community Involvement and workplace volunteerism are important to the development and growth of our people, and are unique ways we can enhance their work experience at Deloitte,” added Quigley.

Harris Interactive® fielded Deloitte’s corporate community involvement survey interviewing a nationwide sample of 2,169 U.S. adults (18+), of whom 1,328 are employed. The survey has a margin of error of +/- 4 percent. Additional survey results are available upon request.

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