Monday, May 25, 2009

Leadership Tips #2

I find that many entrepreneurs and small business owners struggle to manage people. They may have technical expertise, financial savvy, a good head for marketing... but that can't get their team to work together and buy-in to the business plan. These 3 blog posts will give you a few practical tips to learn to lead effectively.

  1. Don’t try to create a paradise workplace for your employees. It’s not possible! They have a job, and there will be times when they have to report for work that are not convenient or they have to perform tasks they don’t like. Try to be fair and accommodating within the boundaries of what works for the entire company. Creating a culture of entitlement will only encourage employees to expect more and more and focus on their own needs rather than your customer’s needs. Your staff won’t be happy anyway – and the company won’t be well run. Be fair, but remain objective.
  2. Don’t allow yourself to believe that ‘it’s all about you’. When you make the transition from employee to ‘leader’, you have to shift your focus off of yourself. Your success is now defined by the success of your entire team. Focus on staff members needs and work to boost their performance - you will find that your own position will be strengthened and supported as a natural result.
  3. Remember that you will always receive more of what you focus on the most. This is a natural law that is absolutely irrefutable. If you focus your thoughts and actions on problems, staff complaints, financial woes or negativity – you WILL find more of those things pouring into your life. Try to channel your energy into making customers happy, bonding with your staff, bringing in new opportunities and building positive teamwork, and you will find that those things begin to thrive and expand.

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