Thursday, May 28, 2009

Leadership Tips #3

Here is the last post sharing leadership tips. Enjoy!

Communicate, communicate, communicate! I have never seen a company fail due to an excess of communication and information. I have seen many companies fail due to a lack of communication and information. Avoid the tendency to operate within a bubble and shield people from bad news or constructive criticism. Allow accurate information to flow freely (both up to you and down from you) and encourage honest, positive communication throughout every level.

Set an example of the behaviors you expect from other people. If you want more openness – be more open. If you want less gossip – don’t talk behind people’s backs. If you want more enthusiasm – be more enthusiastic. If you want cooperation – offer a helping hand to others. Your employees will not do what you say. They will pattern their behavior after you, and do what you do.

Spend some quality personal time with every person on your team every month and encourage them to build relationships with each other. Building a real relationship with team members will pay back impressive dividends very quickly. It will also help you earn respect and credibility rather than demanding it by virtue of your position.

Don’t take things personally! Your company is a business you own – not you. Be strong enough and wise enough to hear criticism and respond to problems from an objective viewpoint. Don’t be defensive – just work hard everyday to be a catalyst for positive change.

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